Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Notice and Update on COVID-19

This is a message to our patients and those of you who are interested in services offered at Healing Wisdom. As events continue with the COVID-19 we wish to extend our heartfelt wishes that you and your loved ones are safe and remain free from infection and that you are finding creative ways to live each day. Learning to remain centered is vital for us all as stress lowers our immune system which makes us vulnerable to illness.

My office is officially listed as “life-enhancing” – my practice is available to those who wish to pursue Traditional Acupuncture and related therapies as a viable means for immune system support. However, if you have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, please do not come at this time for the safety of others.

To safeguard your protection, particular measures are reinforced:

  1. The patient is requested to remain in their vehicle until telephoned to enter the office. When called, come directly to the treatment room, you will be met.
  2. Please wear a face mask. The governor has requested that everyone wear one when going outdoors. Either use gloves or a clean paper towel to open the door.
  3. The room is sanitized for every treatment, prior to treatment and in-between treatments; the practitioner wears disposable gloves and a face mask for every patient.
  4. You are encouraged to void your bladder and intestines at home prior to your visit to reduce or eliminate the use of the public toilet at the office. The office cleans and disaffects the bathroom regularly.
  5. Returning home, follow these procedures for safety: please remove your shoes, preferably outside for sunlight cleaning, and remove your clothes indoors, preferably in your vestibule. Wash your garments and immediately shower and wash your hair. You should do this whenever you venture out in a public place.
  6. For your safety, the treatment room is routinely cleansed by an ultra-violet lamp.

May this historic world event pass soon and may we all learn great lessons from its presence. May we move forward towards greater health and equality for all beings on this planet. Namaste.

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